
Thursday 14 December 2017

What You Need to Know – and Do – While Recovering from Cataracts Surgery

When you’ve invested a lot of time and resources into having cataracts surgery, you’ll want to make the most out of what it can give you. This involves taking good care of yourself after the fact, preventing complications and pulling yourself farther along the road to improved vision.

Here are several things you need to know – and do – after surgery.

The first step to aftercare

Though it might sound like a basic reminder, cataract surgery aftercare starts with you getting home safely. Make sure someone fetches you at the hospital or clinic; do not attempt to drive or take public transportation by yourself. A protective cover will be over the eye that was just operated on, and you may not have any feeling in that eye for the first several hours after surgery. Read more from this article:

Monday 11 December 2017

Preventing Computer Vision Syndrome: Everyday Tips and Treatments from an Eye Clinic

If there’s one thing we all see clearly these days, it’s that everyone seems glued to digital devices. It’s not the healthiest activity; prolonged periods bending over a screen causes everything from dry eyes and blurred vision to headaches, and neck or shoulder pain. But using computers, tablets, and smartphones are now inevitable for both work and recreation.

Here are several tips on how to avoid digital eye strain, or computer vision syndrome – the set of problems some researchers have gone so far as to call the “number one occupational hazard of the 21st century.”

Follow the 20-20-20 rule

You’ve heard that perfect vision is graded as 20-20. Nowadays, good eye health is all about the 20-20-20. Read more from this article: