
Thursday 14 December 2017

What You Need to Know – and Do – While Recovering from Cataracts Surgery

When you’ve invested a lot of time and resources into having cataracts surgery, you’ll want to make the most out of what it can give you. This involves taking good care of yourself after the fact, preventing complications and pulling yourself farther along the road to improved vision.

Here are several things you need to know – and do – after surgery.

The first step to aftercare

Though it might sound like a basic reminder, cataract surgery aftercare starts with you getting home safely. Make sure someone fetches you at the hospital or clinic; do not attempt to drive or take public transportation by yourself. A protective cover will be over the eye that was just operated on, and you may not have any feeling in that eye for the first several hours after surgery. Read more from this article:

Monday 11 December 2017

Preventing Computer Vision Syndrome: Everyday Tips and Treatments from an Eye Clinic

If there’s one thing we all see clearly these days, it’s that everyone seems glued to digital devices. It’s not the healthiest activity; prolonged periods bending over a screen causes everything from dry eyes and blurred vision to headaches, and neck or shoulder pain. But using computers, tablets, and smartphones are now inevitable for both work and recreation.

Here are several tips on how to avoid digital eye strain, or computer vision syndrome – the set of problems some researchers have gone so far as to call the “number one occupational hazard of the 21st century.”

Follow the 20-20-20 rule

You’ve heard that perfect vision is graded as 20-20. Nowadays, good eye health is all about the 20-20-20. Read more from this article:

Wednesday 22 November 2017

Don’t Mistake Your Child’s Learning-Related Vision Problems for Learning Disability

When a child experiences difficulty in reading and writing or sees numbers and letters in reverse, it’s easy to dismiss the symptoms as dyslexia. However, many parents might be unaware that these learning-related issues may just be undiagnosed vision problems. Learning-related vision problems often mimic the symptoms ADD, dyslexia or other learning disabilities.

Even if your child’s eye screening results show him to have 20/20 vision, a typical eye exam doesn’t take into account eye movement or visual processing deficiencies. It is recommended to bring your children to a specialist eye surgeon for a functional vision exam. Watch out for these vision problems that could be hindering a student’s progress in school.

Directionality Confusion

Is your child reversing letters and numbers because of inability to distinguish right from left? This is normal behaviour for first grade students since they haven’t developed directionality skills yet. But if the child is already in second grade and the laterality confusion still persists, it might be a sign of a visual processing problem. He or she might also have trouble differentiating between the shape, size and color of objects. Read more from this article:

Wednesday 15 November 2017

Eye Doctor: You Might Be at Great Risk of Developing Dry Eye Syndrome

According to the Association of Optometrists, dry eye syndrome affects one in four people in the UK. Dry eye occurs when the eyes don’t produce enough tears or when the tears dry up too quickly. While this condition commonly only causes irritation and discomfort to the eyes, it also has the possibility to develop into a severe ailment that can lead to long-term damage. To help avoid such dire circumstances, it’s best to be aware of certain factors that may increase your risks for developing the malady.

Old Age

As you get older, your body will not be as efficient at producing enough tears. The glands responsible for making normal tears and the essential oily layer on the eye tend to become less effective. Your eyelids may also become less capable of properly spreading the tears over the surface of the eyes. If you are aged 50 and above, it is good practice to routinely visit an eye doctor in London. Aside from prescribing you with drops and gels, they can also inspect your eyes more closely for any underlying issues that could be causing the problem. Read more from this article:

Monday 16 October 2017

4 Ways to Improve Your Vision with the Help of Your London Eye Specialist

Your trusted eye specialist will be happy to help you whenever you visit their clinic in London. But that doesn’t mean you should leave the matter of improving your eyesight completely in their hands. There things you can do with your lifestyle and diet to make sure your vision remains as perfect as possible.

1. Eat carrots – and much more besides

Carrots do help people see better – if they suffer from night blindness and vitamin A deficiency. If you don’t have these problems, eating carrots won’t make much of a difference.

Bolster your diet with leafy green vegetables like spinach, kale, and broccoli. These have been proven to delay age-related macular degeneration. In turn, foods rich in omega-3 – like salmon, mackerel, sardines, chia seeds, walnuts, and soybeans – cut the risk for drying eyes and keep them healthy no matter how old you are.

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Wednesday 4 October 2017

4 Signs You Should Take Your Child to Your Trusted London Eye Clinic

Perhaps it’s safe to say no parent would like to bring their child to their trusted London eye clinic at such an early age; the healthier a child is, the happier a parent will be. But nowadays, a visit to the eye doctor seems both more inevitable and necessary.

That’s because the increasing amount of time children spend on smartphones, tablets, and computers harms the development of their eyes and the quality of their eyesight. Young kids also don’t fully comprehend how their eyes should work, and may not know they’re having problems. These make regular eye exams are essential during childhood.

Here are a few signs you should take your kids to the eye clinic:

Headaches and other irritations

Repeatedly straining the eyes to see better (and failing) causes headaches. Poor vision might be the culprit when an otherwise healthy child experiences these. The same goes for bouts of dizziness, which might be a result of skewed depth perception. Read more from this blog:

Wednesday 2 August 2017

Take Your Children to an Eye Clinic for Early Diagnosis of Amblyopia

Studies show that 25% of school-aged kids and 5-10% of preschoolers have vision problems. Timely identification of a child’s eye problem is crucial because children are more responsive to treatment when eye problems are diagnosed early. Core competencies like near vision, eye movement and hand-eye coordination in children are related to good eyesight in kids.
Infants, for example, should have their comprehensive eye examinations when they are six months of age. Additional eye exams at an eye clinic in Harley Street or elsewhere should be conducted when they are three years of age and before they turn six. When a doctor suspects eye problems during such physical examinations, he may refer your child to a specialist for further evaluation.
The most common eye problem in children is amblyopia, also known as the lazy eye; a condition where the eye and the brain don’t work together. Kids who have the condition tend to develop good vision in one eye and a poor one in the other. Sadly, most children don’t mention the problem to their guardians and get used to the problem for years. The solution may be as easy as visiting an eye clinic in London for routine check-ups where the doctor can diagnose the condition early. Early diagnosis and treatment are important as Amblyopia may lead to permanent loss of vision. Read more on this article:

Monday 17 July 2017

An Eye Doctor Shares These Natural Remedies for Digital Eye Fatigue

Computers and other kinds of electronic devices have become an integral part of every individual’s life. The devices help us learn, keep in touch with friends and family and provide efficient execution of activities.
However, an eye doctor in London warns of the health risks of prolonged exposure to the electronic devices. Studies show that adults who spend more than six hours glued to their screens have a higher chance of developing a condition known as eye fatigue. More young children are also being diagnosed with the problem as they are likely to acquire digital devices at an early age.
Common symptoms of digital eye strain include blurry vision, dry eyes, headaches, problems focusing, red and irritated eyes. Digital devices emit blue (high-energy visible) light. The light has short wavelengths that radiate high energy and cause deep penetration, resulting in sleep problems, damage to the retina and long-term vision problems like cataracts and age-related degeneration. HEV light has also been associated with eye pain and headaches when digital devices are used before bedtime. Read more on this article:

Wednesday 12 July 2017

Healthy Lifestyle and Visits to an Eye Clinic Leads to Good Eyesight

Use of social media plus daily work demands can overstress not only your body generally, but your eyes specifically. According to Social Media Today, teens spend nine hours each day on social media channels with 60% of their time devoted to mobile devices. Clearly, people nowadays who have access to smartphones and the Internet have eyes which are glued to lighted screens, with many not being aware of this habit’s negative impacts on their eyesight. Because social media consumption is here to stay, learn more about healthy lifestyle tips that can help you take care of your eyes and the signs that say it’s time to visit an eye clinic.

Lifestyle Tips for Healthy Vision

 Right Nutrition

 Eat the right food for your eyes. Foods rich in Vitamins A and C as well as beta carotene, lutein, and zeaxanthin are good for your eyes. To get these nutrients, eat a cup or more of dark leafy greens, such as kale and spinach each day, as well as carrots, tomatoes, and eggs. Eat salmon and tuna regularly too because omega-3 fatty acids offer eye health benefits, according to the National Eye Institute (NEI). Read more from this blog.

Thursday 6 July 2017

Healthy Eating Tips for Good Eyesight and When to See an Eye Doctor

Most people only realize the value of their eyesight once it starts to fail and affect their everyday activities. Sometimes, to the point that it makes walking or conducting basic work duties that require vision difficult. However, there are a few things you can do to avoid this or even prevent vision problems from developing. You can start by learning more about the top three vegetables and fruits that can improve your eyesight, if not maintain a healthy vision, as well as the conditions which may require the services of an eye specialist.

Food for Improved Vision


Rich in Vitamins C and A, carrots are the staple food for a healthy eyesight. You can eat one cup of chopped carrots daily for eye health. Vitamin C is essential to the health of eye blood vessels and helps the body produce and preserve connective tissue, such as collagen, which is located in the cornea of the eye. Vitamin A is essential to good vision as it helps you see in poorly lit rooms and in the dark. Read more from this blog.

Wednesday 21 June 2017

Eye Specialist: 3 Food Options to Eat Your Way to Healthier Vision

As children, most of us were told that eating our carrots would help improve our eyesight. The proof why our mums were “right”? Rabbits don’t wear eyeglasses. Although it may seem silly now, carrots do provide our eyes with the requisite nourishment to help maintain healthy vision.

The quality of our vision tends to wane as we get older. This is because our body requires more nutrients to help repair any wear and tear our eyes go through both on a daily basis and as the years go by. Fortunately, eating our way to healthy vision isn’t so difficult.
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Tuesday 20 June 2017

Glaucoma: 3 Signs You Should Visit an Eye Clinic for a Thorough Exam

Glaucoma is an optical condition wherein a person develops abnormally high pressure in the affected eye. It may not seem like much, but the increase in pressure can easily cause damage to the optic nerve, which may eventually lead to blindness. In fact, it is one of the leading causes of blindness among older adults in the UK. Glaucoma-caused vision loss is irreversible, even with the help of surgical intervention.

Fortunately, vision loss does not occur immediately upon onset of acute angle-closure glaucoma. This gives you more than enough time to have your eyes checked at a trusted eye clinic in London and the condition treated if present. Furthermore, acute angle-closure glaucoma has several early warning signs that are relatively simple to detect, provided that you know what to look for.  Read more on this article:

Friday 5 May 2017

Why Cataract Surgery Is Necessary and Must Be Done by an Eye Doctor

Are you experiencing glare, blurred vision, and reading difficulty? You could be suffering from cataracts. Although the condition is more common among the elderly, it can affect people of any age. 
Fortunately, most cataracts are treatable surgically, especially when handled by a professional eye doctor. It is, in fact, one of the most practised eye operations in London, with at least 97 percent of patients experiencing improved vision after the procedure. 
What are cataracts? 
Basically, this is an eye condition where the clear lens becomes cloudy, leading to decreased vision. They occur when the eye lens (or the crystalline structure sitting behind the pupil) becomes less transparent. The blurring of the lens during the formation of cataract is what leads to vision distortion. Read more on this article:

Friday 28 April 2017

An Eye Clinic Shares the Three Major Types of Cataracts Among Patients

You may already know that cataracts is a condition that presents itself as clouding of the eye that eventually causes impairment. However, as a visit to an eye clinic might reveal, you may not know there are different types of cataracts. Each have their own distinctive symptoms that you should be aware of. 
Posterior Subcapsular 
This form of cataract begins to form as a cloudy area on the back surface of the lens. It’s also referred to as a subcapsular because it forms itself under a small membrane known as a lens capsule, which normally encloses the lens in place. 
These types of cataracts create a halo effect, making it difficult for the patient to read. Those most likely to suffer from posterior subcapsular are people with extreme near-sightedness, diabetes, or retinitis pigmentosa. It forms quickly and can be detected within months of formation. Read more on this article:

Monday 27 March 2017

London Eye Specialist: Preventing and Treating Seasonal Eye Allergy

Seasonal eye allergies are commonly caused by allergens such as pollen, grass, or weeds. When these allergens come in contact with your eyes, they bind themselves to mast cells full of antibodies. In response, your immune system releases histamine and other chemicals to combat the foreign invader. This causes tiny blood vessels in the eyes to leak, causing itchiness, redness, and excess production of tears. As you can imagine, these can be bothersome.
Preventing seasonal eye allergies
It’s close to impossible to eradicate seasonal allergy symptoms completely, because allergies are part of your body’s make-up regarding the way it handles foreign particles. That’s why you’ll observe that you have specific allergies, while others don’t have them, or react to different sets of allergens altogether, such as latex or pet dander. It is your body’s specific reaction to seasonal allergens that produces the symptoms. Read more on this article.

Tuesday 21 March 2017

London Eye Clinic—Are You at Risk of Age-Related Macular Degeneration?

NHS Choices named age-related macular degeneration (AMD) as the number one cause of vision loss in the UK. Experts predict that almost 700,000 people will have late stage AMD by 2020. Do you know the signs? Are you at risk? Your London eye clinic wants to help you ensure that you are well informed about the condition so you can take necessary precautions.
What is age-related macular degeneration?
The ‘central vision’ is what allows you to focus your vision so you can see objects clearly. When you vision has the capacity to focus, you can do common daily tasks such as reading, writing, identifying faces, and watching a movie with ease. AMD is a disease that gradually destroys this ability to focus. It attacks the macula, the part of the retina that allows a person to see in full detail. Read more on this article.

Sunday 12 March 2017

London Eye Doctor Answers 4 FAQs about Phototherapeutic Keratectomy

Phototherapeutic keratectomy (PTK) is a type of eye surgery technology used by a London eye doctor to treat diseases and scars on the corneal surface. A common misconception about PTK is that it’s used to improve vision, but this is not the case. Those who want to address eye scars and diseases and address a vision problem at the same time may also need to undergo a photorefractive keratectomy procedure. 
What makes PTK different from PRK and LASIK?
PTK focuses more on medical benefits and less on improving eyesight. The problems that ETK is meant to solve are associated with diseases that affect the cornea, whereas PRK and LASIK are more related to the eye’s refractive issues. Examples of diseases and conditions that PTK can treat include corneal dystrophy, epithelial erosion syndrome, and scarring of the cornea. PRK and LASIK can treat and astigmatism presbyopia. Read more from this blog:

Thursday 9 March 2017

Two Birds with One Stone-Addressing Astigmatism with Cataracts Surgery

Cataracts and astigmatism are two common vision problems, and sometimes they can occur together. A cataract is a condition wherein protein in the eye lens clump and cloud together to form a blurry spot in the eye. Meanwhile astigmatism is a refractive error caused by an eye not being completely round. It is actually possible for an eye doctor to address both conditions in a single surgery.
How can cataract surgery fix astigmatism?
During cataracts surgery, the doctor can alter the shape of the cornea in one of two ways: by making a tiny incision in the cornea and make it rounder, or by placing a football-shaped lens on the cornea to correct the individual’s vision. Both of these options can neutralise a misshapen cornea and minimise if not eliminate the astigmatism symptoms.
If astigmatism persists after cataract surgery, an eye doctor can perform additional surgical procedures after the eye fully recovers from the surgery. These include LASIK and phototherapeutic keratectomy. Read more from this blog:

Wednesday 15 February 2017

Don’t Neglect Your Eye Health: Reasons to See Your Eye Doctor ASAP

When it comes to eye health, people aren’t as attentive to it as they should be, only bothering to check in with an eye doctor in London or elsewhere once things start looking really blurry. Sometimes, they simply chalk it up to needing to buy a new pair of glasses or switching to contacts. What’s important to note, however, is that eye diseases can be really progressive, especially when left untreated, which can lead to more serious consequences for the eye health.

Here are some scenarios that should warn you that it’s time to get going and book an appointment with an eye specialist in London ASAP.

Pain in the Eye

There’s nothing like searing pain in the eye to catch your attention. It can be really terrifying because there could also be a host of other symptoms that come along with it, such as dizziness, blurred vision, and more. It’s not like it’s an itch that you can simply scratch away too. Read more from this blog

Monday 13 February 2017

Common Eye Issues Requiring an Immediate Visit to a London Eye Clinic

People tend to take their eye health for granted up until the very last minute. It’s not until they have difficulties with their vision that they think about visiting an eye clinic in Harley Street or elsewhere.

Sometimes, however, it turns out that they’ve asked for help a little too late. The deterioration of the eye health can be rapid, that’s why it’s crucial that you immediately consult with an eye doctor as soon as you can. Here are some scenarios that should send you running to your ophthalmologist quick.

Blurry Vision

This is actually one of the most common concerns of people when it comes to eyesight. There are many reasons for this, ranging from simply lacking rest or sleep to more serious conditions such as glaucoma. Your safest bet is to check in with your eye doctor, of course, just to make sure that it’s nothing all too worrisome. Read more from this blog

Sunday 29 January 2017

4 Easy Remedies You Can Do at Home to Prevent Your Eyes from Drying

Dry eye syndrome occurs when your tear glands can’t produce enough tears to lubricate your eyes. The malady can be caused by a lot of factors, from air pollution, weather conditions, allergies, and even your age, because you become more at risk of chronic dry eye as you get older. To avoid dry eyes, you need to keep them lubricated. Without lubrication, your eyes will get irritated very quickly, potentially resulting in eye strain and other bigger problems.

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Monday 23 January 2017

London Eye Clinic Shares 4 Great Ways to Keep Eyes Hydrated in Winter

The cold winter season can transform more than just the world outside—it can also affect the way the body functions. From chapped lips to hard-to-move muscles, there is no shortage in the inconveniences that the drop in temperature can bring to your daily life.

 The eyes are probably the part of the body that bears the brunt of winter’s wrath the worst. Between the freezing winds outside and the dry heat in your home, the moisture inside your eyes could evaporate faster, and the result is dry, itchy eyes that lead to blurred vision, a burning sensation, and even pain.

 While it can be difficult to altogether prevent your eyes from drying during the winter months, there are several ways to keep your eyes hydrated and healthy. Your trusted London eye clinic shares with you four of the most effective ways.

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